I want to combine the data stored in the two txt files and output the data whose columns match.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 285 views

There are different txt files on the left and right, as shown below.From these two data, I would like to extract only data with matching strings (such as aaa00) and combine the two data to produce output.

I would appreciate it if you could tell me this kind of code.Thank you for your cooperation.

Txt files for:

 aaa00, 123.22, 42.11 bbb00, 1872
aba00, 163.22, 73.11 aaa00, 2001
...              caa01,983

Expected output:

 aaa00, 123.22, 42.11, 2001
aba00, 163.22, 73.11,789


2022-10-25 11:41

2 Answers

You just need to join the two data.The following is an example of Pandas using pandas.merge.

>>import pandas as pd
>>>df1 = pd.DataFrame([
...   ["aaa00", 123.22, 42.11]
...   ["aba00", 163.22, 73.11]
...   ["acc01", 298.11, 63.28]
... ])
>>>df2 = pd.DataFrame([
...   ["bbb00", 1872] ,
...   ["aaa00", 2001] ,
...   ["aba00", 789]
...   ["caa01", 983]
... ])
>>>df1.merge(df2, how="inner", on=0)
0 aaa00 123.22 42.11 2001
1aba 00 163.22 73.11789

To read from a CSV file for DataFrame, use pandas.read_csv.

2022-10-25 11:41

With the original Python.
This is possible if the CSV format is simple.
(If it's a typical CSV, it's better to use a CSV module.)
Also, as I checked with colab, the description is a little older than the current Python.


f01 = ' '
aaa00, 123.22, 42.11
aba00, 163.22, 73.11
f02 = ' '

withio.StringIO(f01.strip()) as fp1:# with open(fname1) as fp1:
    dct = {ln.split(',')[0]: ln.strip() for ln in fp1}
withio.StringIO(f02.strip()) as fp2:# with open(fname2) as fp2:
    lst = [', '.join([dct[k]]]+v) for ln in fp2
                        fork, *vin(ln.trip().split(',') ifkindct]

# ['aaa00, 123.22, 42.11, 2001', 'aba00, 163.22, 73.11, 789']

2022-10-25 11:41

If you have any answers or tips

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