loss.backward() -> Missing XLA configuration

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 415 views

Calculated losses from models created using pytorch
When you run the following code during propagation: The following error message is troubling me.


The forward propagation calculation can be performed without any problems.

terminate called after browsing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():tensorflow/compiler/xla/xla_client/computation_client.cc:280:Missing XLA configuration
  • pytorch (1.12.0+cu102)
  • torchvision(0.13.0+cu102)<- Target models include CNN models that can be installed from torchvision.models
  • Google-compute-engine
  • GPU (NVIDIA Tesla T4x111.6)<- This code worked in an environment with GPU (11.2) installed, but it doesn't work in the current environment.../In the current environment, the same error occurs when the GPU is not used and the CPU is running.
  • TPU is not installed (I don't want to use TPU, I want to use GPU to calculate)

It was a locally working code, and as I mentioned above, it was working in other GPU environments.The environment stopped working when it was updated.

Please help me...

python pytorch gpu

2022-10-15 09:42

1 Answers

Resolved with the following command:

$pip uninstalltorch_xla

It seems to have been a problem with pytorch-ignite and torch_xla.

2022-10-15 09:42

If you have any answers or tips

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