I would like to use tkinter in python to save the data I entered or referenced.
If you look it up online, there is a way to save it using sql, but is there any other way?
What you want to achieve
Click on the image in the script below.
画像 Image acquisition>Save
②Select the image you saved in the folder
③Click Image
If you close the tkinter and reopen it, the data in the selected folder will disappear.
That's why
Is there any new function or other way to save the file on tkinter?
フォ Select the image saved in the folder
Can I see the selected folder after re-opening tkinter?
I'd like to save the folder I finally selected.
May I have your advice?
I would appreciate it if someone could teach me.
Thank you for your cooperation.
import tkinter ask
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import pyautogui
import time
import subprocess
from tkinter import filedialog
import re
# Start SnippingTool, run when button is clicked
# Browse files, run when button is clicked
def file_select():
global selected_file
idir='C:\\python_test'#Initial folder
filetype=[("All", "*"), ("Text", "*.txt"), ("Music", "*.mp3")]# Select Extension
file_path=tk.filedialog.askopenfilename (filetypes=filetype, initialdir=idir)
input_box.insert(tk.END, file_path)#View Results
# Click image, run when button is clicked
def click_image():
global selected_file
# Replace selected_file from the file reference function to get the coordinates of this PC icon
position=pyautogui.locateOnScreen(selected_file, confidence=0.9)
# position = pyautogui.locateOnScreen("C://Users///image//excel.PNG", confidence=0.9)
# Click the maxwindowPC icon
# screen creation
window.title ("Show Button")
# Image Acquisition Button Creation
btn1=tk.Button (window, text="(1) Image Acquisition")
# button display
btn1.place(x=15, y=15, width=150, height=40)
# Bind function to button
btn1.bind("<Button-1>", image)
# Create input field
# Create Result Labels
input_label=tk.Label(text="2 Select image file")
# Create reference button
button=tk.Button(text="reference", command=file_select)
# Create Image Click Button
button=tk.Button(text="3 Click Image", command=click_image)
button.place (x=15, y=175, width=150, height=40)
# Display (resident)
If you only need one piece of data, it's easy to read it at startup and update the files every time the data is updated.
If you extract and describe only the relevant parts, it will be as follows.Skip the front and back.
###Retrieve data from the file where the selected file path is stored (change the name and folder appropriately)
with open(savedata_file, 'r', encoding='utf8') asf:
selected_file="C:\\python_test\\*.*"#If the file is missing, the initial folder + dummy filename
# Browse files, run when button is clicked
def file_select():
global selected_file
idir=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(selected_file))### Extract destination folder
filetype=[("All", "*"), ("Text", "*.txt"), ("Music", "*.mp3")]# Select Extension
file_path=tk.filedialog.askopenfilename (filetypes=filetype, initialdir=idir)
input_box.insert(tk.END, file_path)#View Results
#### Save to file if selection path is valid
with open(savedata_file, 'w', encoding='utf8') asf:
Here is no example, but other methods are also available:
If you want to add a little more data and tie it up, you can use this package.
configparser --- configuration file parser
Configuration file management module in the python program ~how to use and consider configparser~
How to update a value python.ini file with configparser
There are other things like settings and json.
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How are you doing with your own tools?Python Configuration File Championship
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