Luxury Java Programming Issues

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 23 views

a = 1
b = int(input())
t = int (center number from "1 to input value (500 or less): ")))
if b <= 500:
    c = (a + b) / 2
    d = (a + b) % 2
if d == 0:

I've been thinking about it and solving it, but I don't know what that means. Python masters, please.


2022-09-20 22:20

2 Answers

I did some research.

Now, just looking at the algorithm itself, this equation is true when the answer is already known (usually called x.

This expression becomes a quadratic equation for n.

Perhaps the questioner needs mathematics teacher more than these Q&A sites.

2022-09-20 22:20

If you look at the link that Yeopto uploaded, I think the problem can be summarized as follows.

If x is a numeric center, the numeric center satisfies the following.

(1 + 2 + ... + + (x-1)) == ( (x+1) + (x+2) + ... + + (n-1) + n )

where the left side is x(x-1)/2 and the right side is n(n+1)/2 - x(x+1)/2 (consensus formula from 1 to n learned in high school)

We have to solve the integer equation under the condition that n and x are integers. I think there is a condition that n should be less than 500 in the problem. I think the reason why it came up as a programming problem is because it's good to practice how to put it into a for loop instead of an agreement formula.

I don't know how it's well defined in the book called Luxury Jabara, but I think the content of the problem description you can find on the web is a little unclear. I thought the questioner might ask this question, so I wrote an answer.

2022-09-20 22:20

If you have any answers or tips

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