I would like to retrieve data from the following sentences in python 3.10. Is there a way to retrieve numbers in order by repeating them?
Event A Number of participants Time: 18:00-21:00, Event B Number of participants Time: 18:00-21:00
補足 Supplemental
Stored the body as a.
取得Data you want to obtain
Number of people: 10 and 5
print(a.count('number of participants'))
joinuser_count = a.count ('Number of Participants')
for i in range (joinuser_count):
pos=a.find('Number of Participants')
"I would like to obtain the start time and end time of this item together with the above, but I cannot distinguish ""~"" when dividing, so I cannot divide it."
I'd like to know how to determine because replacing special characters will also affect ":".
I thought it might be a simple content, so I searched a lot, but I couldn't find a way to improve it, so please let me know.
python python3
There are some problems
a='Event A Participants 10 Hours: 18:00-21:00; Event B Participants 5 Hours: 18:00-21:10'
for_in range(a.count('number of participants')):
k = 'Number of participants'
p = a. find(k)
if p>=0:
a=a[p+len(k):]# Do not include the string "number of participants" itself specified by find
if p>=0:
mbr = a [:p]
print(f'number of people {mbr}')
if p>=0:
Regular expression (or regex, regular expression) makes this process relatively easy
, so choose it correctlyimport re
a='Event A: Number of participants 10 Hours: 18:00-21:00; Event B: Number of participants 5 Hours: 18:00-21:10'
mbr = r 'Number of participants (\d+)'
tm = r'\d\d:\d\d to \d\d:\d\d'
for min re.finder (mbr, a):
print(f'number of people {m[1]}')
b=a [m.end():]
m = re.search(tm,b)
Note: (docs.python.org)re---Regular expression manipulation
import re
text = ''
Event A Number of participants Time: 18:00~21:00, Event B Number of participants Time: 18:00~21:00
for min re.finder(
r'Event.+?Number of participants (?P<Number of participants>\d+).*?'
r'Time: (?P<Start Time>\d{2}:\d{2}) through (?P<End Time>\d{2}:\d{2}),
{'Number of Participants': '10', 'Start Time': '18:00', 'End Time': '21:00'}
{'Number of Participants': '5', 'Start Time': '18:00', 'End Time': '21:00'}
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