Java Class Succession Does Not Make You Knows

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 349 views

I am a beginner in Java.There is a problem with class inheritance.Please let me know

Problem statement:
Create a ShortComic class that inherits the Comic class.ShortComic represents a comic book with only one volume.The ShortComic class implements:

  • A constructor that accepts only stringed series names
  • Specify 1 for the number of volumes of the constructor being inherited

The ShortComic class must be defined in the book package ( is in the appropriate directory) and must be accessible from outside the package

Written by:

public class ShortComic extensions Comic {

public void Comic (String series) {

Error Description:

 error: constructor Comic in class Comic cannot be applied to give types;
public class ShortComic extensions Comic {
  required —String, int
  found —No arguments
  reason —actual and formal argument lists different in length

book/ to super must be first statement constructor

book/ has private access in Comic
3 errors

I have this kind of error, but I don't understand it at all.Please let me know if there is anything wrong.


2022-09-30 22:03

2 Answers

error: constructor Comic in class Comic cannot be applied to give types;
error:call to super must be first statement constructor

This is because the ShortComic class does not have the right constructor.

public void Comic (String series) {

publicShortComic(String series){.

error:volume has private access in Comic

The question statement does not tell you to substitute the volume field.

Specify 1 for the number of volumes of the constructor being inherited

You will pass 1 to the constructor.

2022-09-30 22:03

Comic class may look like this:

package book;

public class Comic {

    private final String series;
    private final int volume;

    public Comic (String series, int volume) {
        this.series = series;

    // ...

In this case, the ShortComic implementation that meets the challenge would be:

package book;

public class ShortComic extensions Comic {

    public ShortComic (String series) {
  • The constructor has the same name as the class name (ShortComic in this case).
  • super(...); is a parent class constructor call (here publicComic(String series, int volume){...}).Therefore, you must match what you want to pass to the argument to the parent constructor.
    • In other words, in this case, the first argument is the series name and the second argument is the number of volumes.
  • In other words, in this case, the first argument is the series name and the second argument is the number of volumes.

2022-09-30 22:03

If you have any answers or tips

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