We are developing using VB.NET (.NET API) in IJCAD 2020.
We have implemented a process that excludes specific figures from the figures selected in the raw IJCAD command.
Specifically, within the function below (Replace Editor.PromptedForSelection), we have determined a particular figure from the selection set, obtained a new selection set excluding the particular figure, and set it in the Editor.
Below is a sample code.
Private SubEditor_PromptedForSelection (ByVal sender As Object, ByVale As PromptSelectionResultEventArgs)
If Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocumentIsNot Nothing Then
'Dimed As Editor = DirectCast (sender, Editor)
Dimed As Editor= Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
DimicdSSetNewAsSelectionSet=Nothing' New Selection Set (except certain figures)
DimicdSSetOrg As SelectionSet=Nothing' Original Selection Set
'Retrieves selected figure from Editor class instance
DimgcSSPrompt As PromptSelectionResult=ed.SelectImplied()
If Not gcSSPrompt.Value Is Nothing Then
DimsIdsNew As New ObjectIdCollection
Using icdTransAsTransaction=icdDoc.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
'Exclude target from selection set
For Each selobj As SelectedObject InicdSSetOrg
DimidEntAsEntity=IcadTrans_GetObject(icdTrans, selobj.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead)
IfidEnt Is Nothing Then Continue For
If Then Continue For
If NotesIdsNew.Contains(icdEnt.ObjectId) Then
ssIdsNew.Add (icdEnt.ObjectId)
End If
Catch ex As System.Exception
If NoticdEnt Is Nothing ThenicEnt.Dispose()
End Try
End Using
End If
Catch ex As System.Exception
End Try
'Reset selection set to Editor
End If
End Sub
Separately, Document.ImpliedSelectionChanged was able to exclude certain figures from selection with similar coding.
I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice.
Thank you for your cooperation.
.net ijcad arx autocad
The following events can be used to replace the selection set:
·Event that occurs when the Editor.PromptForSelectionEnding selection operation is completed
·Editor.SelectionAddedEvent that occurs when an object is added to the current selection set
Also, you can remove certain figures using the Selection*****EventArgs.Remove() method.
The Editor.SelectImplied() method retrieves the selection set with pre-selected.
If you want to limit yourself to specific edit commands, such as MOVE commands,
You can use it with the Document.CommandWillStart event.
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