I want htaccess to transfer internally to different domains

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 318 views

I would like to transfer internally as described below, but due to the different domains, it will be treated as a redirect.How do I resolve this?

 RewriteRule https://example1.jp/img/0001.jpg https://example2.jp/img/0001.jpg [L]

exExample1 is its own domain
exExample2 is the domain of the rental server
置いてThe file you have is the same server
詳しくI didn't write it in detail, but the folder structure is slightly different
False https://example2.jp/img/0001.jpg → True https://example2.jp/test/img/0001.jpg
htaccess is required because it hides this test

apache .htaccess

2022-09-30 22:00

1 Answers

You want to make it a proxy, right?
Use the [P] flag as follows:
The first argument of the RewriteRule is the path, not the URL.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRuleimg/0001.jpg https://example2.jp/test/img/0001.jpg [P,L]

However, in order for HTTPS to access the proxy destination (example2.jp), you must configure SSLProxyEngine on on your server (example1.jp).

2022-09-30 22:00

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