I would like to use AzureSDK from Android to bring data IO to Blob Storage.
Based on the following conditions, we are trying to develop an Android app and Azure Blob Storage data link application, but we have not been able to find the development document and have not been able to realize it.
operating environment
OS: Android 10, 11
Development Language: Java
Development Environment
Android Studio 4.1.3
Operating Environment
OS: Android 10, 11
Development Language: Java
Development Environment Android Studio 4.1.3
The Python implementation was successful from the following documents:
Is there a similar document for Android?
java android
Is this Android?
This is probably the API library itself.
Directly, via Gradle or Maven, both download methods are described roughly.
The unofficial Android version of the sample that will be a hit after a little google is
I think the API is equivalent to the Java v8 version because I did almost the same thing as .
String connectionString="blowing";
String containerNameString = "Fugafuga";
String blobReferenceString="hogehoge.bmp";
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.parse(connectionString);
CloudBlobClient blobClient=storageAccount.createCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer container=blobClient.getContainerReference(containerNameString);
// blob.upload(...)
// or
// blob.uploadFromFile(...)
// and so on
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