Understanding Capacity Constrained Delivery Planning Problem (CVRP) Formulation and Python Program

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 373 views

We tried to formulate and simulate capacity constrained delivery planning problems (CVRP) using the following URL:

Reference: Optimizing Delivery Planning Issues with Python
URL: https://www.letsopt.com/entry/2020/08/30/180258
Created: August 30, 2020
By: creselia 2012

However, in the process of trying, I could not understand why the following MTZ constraint expression and python program match.
I would appreciate it if you could tell me the reason why Python's program in the URL I used as a reference, especially MTZ constraints, is correct.

There are two reasons why I didn't understand.

[Formulation used in references]

##MTZ constraint
for i in range (1, num_nodes):
    for jin range (1, num_nodes):
        if i!=j and demand[i]+demand[j]<=capacity:
##Define variables
u=[pulp.LpVariable('u_{}'.format(i), demand[i], capacity, cat="Integer")\
        for i in range (1, num_nodes)]

### MTZ constraint
for i in range (1, num_nodes):
    for jin range (1, num_nodes):
        if i!=j and demand[i]+demand[j]<=capacity:

By the way, when I wrote python's program with the constraint expression of the original MTZ constraint as follows, I simulated it.

for i in range (1, num_nodes):
    for jin range (1, num_nodes):
        if i!=j and demand[i]+demand[j]<=capacity:

As a result, the following error occurred and the program was incorrect.
Changing u[i-1]-u[j-1] to u[i]-u[j] clearly caused the error, but we did not know the exact cause.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Control-PC\Documents\easy_vrp5_compver.py", line 62, in<module>
IndexError:list index out of range

Finally, I would like to write down the python program that I wrote using the URL as a reference.
The MTZ constraints of the following programs use the same program as references and will not cause errors when simulated.

import path

def makeCVRP():
    num_nodes = 7
    capacity = 30
    demand = [0,9,11,13,7,\
               19, 17 ]
    coordinate=[ ]
    def computeDistance(c1,c2):
        return path.sqrt(power(c2[0]-c1[0], 2)+power(c2[1]-c1[1], 2))
    distance = [round(computeDistance(c1,c2)) for c1 in coordinate]\
                    for c2 in coordinate ]
    return num_nodes, capacity, demand, distance, coordinate

# make problem
num_nodes, capacity, demand, distance, coordinate=makeCVRP()

import pull

# Define optimization issues

## Define Variables
x=[pulp.LpVariable('x_{}_{}'.format(i,j), cat="Binary")\
        if i!=jelse None for jin range(num_nodes)]\
        for i in range(num_nodes)]
u=[pulp.LpVariable('u_{}'.format(i), demand[i], capacity, cat="Integer")\
        for i in range (1, num_nodes)]
num_vehicle=[pulp.LpVariable('num_vehicle', 1, num_nodes, cat="Integer")]

## Define the function you want to minimize
problem+=pulp.lpSum(distance[i][j]*x[i][j] for i in range(num_nodes)\
                        for jin range(num_nodes) if i!=j)

## Define constraints
### \sum x_ij = 1
for jin range (1, num_nodes):
    problem+=pulp.lpSum(x[i][j] for i in range(num_nodes) if i!=j) == 1

for i in range (1, num_nodes):
    problem+=pulp.lpSum(x[i][j] for jin range(num_nodes) if i!=j) == 1

### \sum x_0j=|K|
problem+=pulp.lpSum(x[0][j] for jin range(1, num_nodes)) == num_vehicle

### MTZ constraint
for i in range (1, num_nodes):
    for jin range (1, num_nodes):
        if i!=j:

# solve

print("objective value={}".format(pulp.value(problem.objective)))

# Define sides from pulp (CBC) results
edges=[(i,j)for i in range(num_nodes)for jin range(num_nodes)
            if i!=j and pull.value(x[i][j])==1]

# Get route from edges
paths = [ ]
for i, jin edges:
    if i == 0:
        while path [-1]!=0:
            for v, u in edges:
                if v==path[-1]:

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot asplt

# Create directed graphs
G.add_edges_from (edges)

color=["r", "g", "y", "m", "c" ]

# Set color for each route
for i, jin G.edges:
    fort, path in enumerate (paths):
        if i in path and jin path:
assert len(edges) == len(edge_color)

# plotting a graph
pos={i:coordinate[i]for i in range(num_nodes)}


# Save Image


I am sorry if this is my first question and I am asking the wrong question.
Thank you for your cooperation.


2022-09-30 21:58

1 Answers

Thankfully, I was taught by someone with knowledge.
To tell you straightforwardly why I didn't understand it, it was my lack of basic knowledge of python.(Therefore, no specialization was required.)

Below is a step-by-step description of what you have taught me.

From the definition in python of u and d, a value of u[1] is included in the place of the subscript 0 of u (the 0th in the array of u), and a value of d[1] is included in the place of the subscript 1 of d (the 1st in the array of d).
Accordingly, in order to make the value of u[1] correspond to the value of d[1], it is necessary to take out the value of u[1] from the location of the subscript 0 (zeroth in the array of u) and the value of d[1] from the location of the subscript 1 of d.
Therefore, when describing the preformulated MTZ constraint, u[i]-u[j]+capacity*x[i][j]<=capacity-demand[j] but
In this case (defined in python of u and d), to describe the MTZ constraint in python, which has the same meaning as the preformulated MTZ constraint, the suffix u[i-1]-u[j-1]+capacity*x[i][j]<=capacity-demand[j]

must be written within the suffix u[i-1]-u[j]+capacity*x[j].

(For example, if you put j=1 in the python program, you can take the variable u[1] from the place of the suffix 0 of u and the variable d[1] from the place of the suffix 1 of d, and you can see that u[j-1] and demand[j] correspond.)

Finally, I would like to thank the users who read the long questionnaire and the respondents who taught me.

2022-09-30 21:58

If you have any answers or tips

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