To make apt-get workable on macOS

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 369 views

Can I use sudo apt-get update if I install linux on macos?

When I looked into it, many people said they didn't support macos, so I asked because I was curious.
"Even if I run it on a brew or macports, it becomes ""command not found""."
By the way, what kind of things can I use on a Mac instead of apt-get?
I am a beginner, so please understand the questionnaire.

linux macos apt

2022-09-30 21:56

1 Answers

apt(apt-get) is the package management command used primarily for Debian/Ubuntu distributions in Linux.There are many different types of Linux, and other major package management commands include yum(dnf), but Operating different OS types also have different commands.

MacOS may also be Linux-based in a broad sense, but the apt command is not available because package management works differently.

If you look into it a little bit, there seems to be a way to imitate the behavior of apt on macOS, but it takes a lot of time and I think the benefits are thin.I think it would be better to manage it honestly using Homebrew or Macports.

How to install apt-get or YUM on Mac OS X

2022-09-30 21:56

If you have any answers or tips

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