I'm going to download the process list from cmd to txt and reduce the gap with Python. (tasklist | findstr > a.txt to create a text file.)
A list of processes is saved in the following format:
sms.exe (blank) (blank) (blank) 452 Services (blank) (blank) 0 (blank) (blank) (blank) 1,064 K (\n) wininit.exe (blank) (blank) (blank) 692 Services (blank) (blank) 0 (blank) (blank) (blank) 5,672 K (\n)
You want to change the delimiter to one space to load these lists into the DB. (Separators separate columns.)
When '.join(processlist) using Python's join function
In this format, \n will be replaced with a single space to appear as a single line.
The format I want is
smss.exe(blank)452(blank)Services0(blank)1,064(blank)K(\n) wininit.exe(blank)692(blank)Services0(blank)5,672(blank)K
I want it to be printed like this, but is it possible with Python's join and split function?
python join split
@echo off
tasklist > tmp.txt
for /F "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6 skip=3" %%A in (tmp.txt) DO echo %%A %%B %%C %%D %%E %%F >> result.txt
del tmp.txt
How about using the bat file above
If you do it, the txt file as below will come out
services.exe 756 Services 0 10,296 K
lsass.exe 828 Services 0 14,840 K
svchost.exe 948 Services 0 2,780 K
fontdrvhost.exe 968 Services 0 1,596 K
svchost.exe 984 Services 0 28,296 K
If you want Python, do it the way below
You will be able to see the output result like above
a = open('tmp.txt', 'r')
result = ''
for i in a:
b = " ".join(i.split())
b += "\n"
result += b
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