I want to extract the first frame of multiple videos.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 456 views

I would like to extract the first frame (or 1st to nth) of each video from multiple video files in a folder and save it as an image.

If it is just one video file, I have achieved it below, but I am not sure how to process multiple video files.
You may not understand the basics, but I appreciate your cooperation.

import cv2
for num in range(1): # You can specify the number of images to be retrieved by changing the number of numbers
    cap.set (cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, num)
    cv2.imwrite("E:\UserX\Test\picture{:0=4}".format(num)+".tif", cap.read()[1])
    print("save picture {:0=4}".format(num)+".tif")

python opencv image

2022-09-30 21:55

1 Answers

I wrote the code as below.In this way, the file path should be '/Users/~/sample'+str(i+1)+'mp4'.Also, you need to create any folder to save the frame image extracted outside (line 4). I'm still studying, so I can't write it well, but I hope it will be helpful.

import cv2
import os#add

number=len(os.listdir('Path of Folder containing Movie Files')# Add

for i in range (number): # Add
  movie_file='filepath'+str(i+1)+'file format'#add
  for num in range(1): # You can specify the number of images to be retrieved by changing the number of numbers
    cap.set (cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, num)
    ouimg_file="{}/{:05d}.jpg".format(img_outdir, i+1)#Added
    cv2.imwrite("E:\UserX\Test\picture{:0=4}".format(num)+".tif", cap.read()[1])
    print("save picture {:0=4}".format(num)+".tif")


2022-09-30 21:55

If you have any answers or tips

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