Nxt.js (Vue.js) + typescript code has some incomprehensible parts

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 402 views

<nuxt-link> and some code using the to attribute did not make sense, so I would like to ask you a question.

Below is the nuxt-link.
Bind the to attribute and pass the to (argument 1, argument 2).

  <!-- What's in the link-->
  return(id1:string, id2:string)=>({
    name: "slug1-slugId1-slug2-slugId2",
    params: {

I'm not sure what the function definition of to (argument 1, argument 2) says.

Below is what I understand.

  • First, return to() a function with two arguments
  • Written by Arrow function
  • The arguments 1 and 2 of to have both the type of string
  • URL will look like slug1/1234/slug2/123 using named route

What I don't understand is how to write the Arrow function.
My understanding of Arrow function is

 (argument 1, argument 2) = > {
  // Handling of something

I thought I would write like this, but


 (argument 1, argument 2) = >({
  name: "slug1-slugId1-slug2-slugId2",
  params: {

It says like and I don't understand the existence of ( ) right behind the arrow.

Why is this written like this?

javascript typescript nuxt.js

2022-09-30 21:54

1 Answers

Short syntax for omitting return in the Arrow function.If () is not present, it is parsed as a sentence column.

The following myFunc1 and myFunc2 provide the same return value.

const myFunc1=(slugId1:string, slugId2:string)=>({
  name: "slug1-slugId1-slug2-slugId2",
  params: {

const myFunc2=(slugId1:string, slugId2:string)=>{
    name: "slug1-slugId1-slug2-slugId2",
    params: {

2022-09-30 21:54

If you have any answers or tips

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