No mouse cursor is displayed on the guest operating system and cannot copy or drag and drop with the host operating system

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 264 views

Windows 10 + VirtualBox 6.1 + CentOS 7

However, the mouse cursor disappears on the CentOS of the guest operating system, and you cannot copy or drag and drop (you cannot use the mouse at all on the guest operating system screen).

When you click on the guest OS screen, the cursor disappears and you can enter (for example, Linux commands), and when you press ctrl on the right, the mouse cursor appears on the host OS side, allowing you to operate Windows as usual.

Below is an excerpt of the results of modelinfo vboxguest on the guest OS.

version 6.1.14 r140239
 description:Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions for Linux Module

will appear, so it should have been installed.

I also tried the following article, but it didn't improve.

Workarounds for No Mouse Cursor When Attempting to Install CentOS on VirtualBox 6.0 Virtual Machines - Qiita

Is there any other cause?Thank you for your cooperation.

The screen is as follows:

Enter a description of the image here

centos virtualbox

2022-09-30 21:54

1 Answers

I will summarize the answers based on the comments.

As far as the screen attached to the question is concerned, the reason is that the operating system is booting to command mode (which focuses on typing characters without using the mouse).

I don't know how you installed CentOS, but try running startx to enter graphical mode or install desktop environments such as GNOME and KDE.

2022-09-30 21:54

If you have any answers or tips

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