For the data frame containing the following URL, we would like to make a flag by determining whether it matches a specific string [when it matches perfectly] [when it matches a part] [when it matches NULL] [other].The original data frame is as follows:
df=pd.DataFrame({'full_url':[')', '', '', '', '', 'None', '','', '', '']})
For this data frame,
■ If 'full_url' matches [complete] below, type = 'natural search'
urls_G=['', '','']
■ If 'full_url' matches [part] below, type = 'natural search'
urls_Y=['', '']
■ If 'full_url' is 'None', type = 'No input'
■ Except for the above three patterns, type = 'Other'
I would like to add a flag (new column ttype )).
The contents of the data frame I would like to create are as follows.
ans=pd.DataFrame({'full_url':[')', '', '', '', '', 'None', '','', '', ''],
'type': ['Other', 'Natural Search', 'Other', 'Natural Search', 'No Input', 'Natural Search', 'Other', 'Other', 'Natural Search']})
I thought about the code below, but
urls_G = ['', '','' ]
urls_Y=['', '']
if x == 'None':
return 'No input'
elif x in urls_G:# string exact match determined
return 'Natural Search'
elif x.str.contains(urls_Y):# Determines partial string match
return 'Natural Search'
return 'Other'
df['type'] = df['full_url'].apply(get_type)
The following error appears in the partial match, which is causing me to stumble.
>'str' object has no attribute'str'
I would appreciate it if you could advise me on how to deal with this error.
Thank you for your cooperation.
elif x.str.contains(urls_Y):#Determines partial string match
instead of
elif urls_Y[0] in x or urls_Y[1] in x:#Determines partial string match
Or something like that. The in
operator can determine if a string contains a specific string.
'str' object has no attribute' str'
This means that x
is a string type in the first place, so there is no attribute called .str
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