I'm studying natural language processing, and I was writing code while referring to books.
If the last prediction is this data, the test data will also be labeled, so the correct answer rate will be printed with the following code, but the test data I am using only TEXT, so if you leave this code, I will get an error.
I tried to change the code, but it didn't work well.How can I output the predicted value?
error message
Attribute Error—Example has no attribute label.
Current state code
device=torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
net_trained.eval()# Put model into validation mode
epoch_corrects=0#epoch correct answers
for batch in(test_dl): # DataLoader for test data
# batch is a Text and Lable dictionary object
# Send data to GPU if GPU is available
inputs=batch.Text[0].to(device)# sentence
# forward calculation
with torch.set_grad_enabled (False):
# mask creation
input_pad=1# Since the word ID is '<pad>':1
# Enter in Transformer
outputs,_,_=net_trained(inputs, input_mask)
_,preds=torch.max(outputs,1)# Predict label
# calculation of results
# Update the total number of correct answers
epoch_corrects+=torch.sum (preds==labels.data)
# correct answer rate
print('correct answer rate for test data {: .4f}'.format(len(test_dl.dataset), epoch_acc))
And all I want to do is look at the results of machine learning classification
Stop reading labels from datasets below
labels=batch.Label.to(device)# label
Stop giving the correct answer rate below
# Calculating Results
# Update the total number of correct answers
epoch_corrects+=torch.sum (preds==labels.data)
# correct answer rate
I thought that was the right response.
If you have finished learning, you don't need the correct answer data, and since it's unknown, you can't give the correct answer rate.If the machine learning model is well generalized, the test data set should also be properly classified.
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