I want to find view all attributes in Android studio.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 391 views

The view all attributes at the bottom cannot be found.The second picture is a sample, but
The first picture will be the one I'm developing.
I want to find view all attributes, but I can't find view all attributes and it's been a while.
The language is Kotlin. I apologize for the lack of words
I would appreciate it if someone could teach me

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android-studio kotlin

2022-09-30 21:50

1 Answers

Isn't the Android Studio version different?
The 4.0 I have was the upper type, but when I looked for the 3.2 screenshot, it was the lower type.
(See here)
Screenshot of Android Studio 3.2

If you are referring to a book, how about matching it to the version of Android Studio you are using in that book?
Previous versions of Android Studio are available below.

2022-09-30 21:50

If you have any answers or tips

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