Is it safe to publish below /var/www in production deployment?

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 417 views

I'm a beginner at Linux & Larvel.I'm concerned about security for production deployments.
/var/www The following is the public directory?

projectName = laraproject.Default Public Directory Server Values /var/www/html

Here, in the html directory -->, the contents of a public folder such as index.php
I'm trying to put the vendor in /var/www/laraproject/.

Is there any problem or should I put it in a different directory?
The permissions in the project directory are as follows:


php laravel security

2022-09-30 21:49

1 Answers

As for security during production deployment, what level of production is production?Are you publishing it to the Internet and making it accessible to anyone, or are you building it on a network that is not externally accessible, for example?
That's going to change the subject. (Whether you want to give permission to other servers that you're publish.)

Is there a problem or should I put it in a different directory?

This is a problem rooted in the requirement of "What kind of system do you want to create?"It's about how much security you need and how much money and time you can spend on it, so I don't think anyone can answer the vague question, "Is security OK?" correctly.Also, it's not something that can be achieved only by permission...

For general system development, for example, refer to the IPA's "non-functional requirement grade" security items, each of which has no requirements.If so, it is necessary to paint out the details of how to protect them one by one.(It's not protected by this, but it's possible to pose as "I was thinking about it properly."Don't be socially eliminated...)

2022-09-30 21:49

If you have any answers or tips

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