The error could not have occurred when running source hoge.env on C Shell.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 322 views


source hoge.env


#Originally set the environment variable here
set | grep-aversion# version display
echhhho "The End" [EOF]

Run Results

version tcsh6.17.00 (Astron) 2009-07-10 (x86_64-unknown-linux) options wide, nls, dl, al, kan, rh, color, filec

I misspelled "echhhho" in hoge.env, so it should end with a "command not found" error, but it was not processed (?) because it didn't break the line at the end, so it ended normally. (I don't notice)

I noticed an error when I was running in a different environment.

Run Results

tcsh6.18.01 (Astron) 2012-02-14 (x86_64-unknown-linux) options wide, nls, dl, al, kan, sm, rh, color, filec
echhhho —Command not found.

Is the result different depending on the tcsh version?(In that case, please give me the sauce!)
I was staring at it, but I couldn't find the web page that was clearly indicated, so I asked you a question.

linux csh

2022-09-30 21:49

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