Unable to deploy php on xampp, xamp does not work

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 111 views

xampp does not work in Windows.

I'd like to do a php deployment test on the Windows virtual host.

Deploying xampp in Windows

Launch apache (81 port), mysql (3306 port)

Boot url should be http://locathost:81 and
When I access it, the screen looks like the one below, and I can see that xamp is not working.

Enter a description of the image here

Apache's "httpd.conf" file has a directory setting of

I would appreciate it if you could understand why xampp cannot be started properly.

php xampp

2022-09-30 21:47

1 Answers

Make sure that the content is located under the document root and try accessing it with your browser.

For Windows, the document route in the XAMPP environment is C:\xampp\htdocs\.

    For unnamed access, such as
  • http://localhost/, go to the index.html and look for files such as
  • Apache has the ability to view
  • index.html if it is found, and to list directories if it is not found either.
  • However, the Show Directory Listing feature may be turned off for security reasons, and it is assumed that directory listing is prohibited from being displayed on the screen.

I believe that the Web Server (Apache) itself is working fine, so make sure that the content you want to view is placed first.
Apart from this, you may need to make configuration changes for PHP to work properly.

2022-09-30 21:47

If you have any answers or tips

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