A list of files in a storage is retrieved daily as the file name [yyyymmdd.log] log and
Compare today's and yesterday's logs, and create a program that extracts differences that are in the log yesterday and not in the log today!
What I'm having trouble adding here is
If you don't have yesterday's log, it's a program that repeats comparing the previous day's log.
Rather than yesterday, I put them in the order of new ones with the dir command and compare them to the third one if they are not compared to the second one. I think a program like this would be fine.
I would appreciate it if you could let me know how to reproduce the bat file even if you use a power shell or vbs.
I would like to compare it with the latest log except for today's log. I'd like to compare the latest log (today) with yesterday's log (the latest log excluding today's log), but as a condition,
I would like to add conditions such as
The current code is
Get the date and time on the same day
for/F"tokens=1*delims="%%ain('dir/b/O:DC:\Users\user\Desktop\batdevelopment\logs*.log') do set zenjitu=%%a
Obtain the Latest Log in the File
dir.txt/b>C:\Users\user\Desktop\bat development\logs\%YYYMMDD%.log
Sweep logs in today
powershell-c"compare(cat./%zenjitsu%.txt)(cat./%YYYMMDD%.log)|?{$_.SideIndicator-eq'<='}|ft-Property InputObject-hide"
Differential output on the .
At this time, I would like to add an option to the code below to get the next latest file excluding the latest file name in the folder.
for/F"tokens=1delims="%%ain('dir/b/O:DC:\Users\user\Desktop\batdevelopment\logs*.log') do set zenjitu=%%a
I don't know if I understand the requirements correctly, but PowerShell looks like this:
Compare today's log files to the latest non-today's log files.
# Folder with log files
# Today's Log File Name
# Retrieving Today's Logs
$logToday=Get-Content "$logDir\$logFileNameToday"
# differential output
Get-ChildItem "$logDir\*" - Filter*.log-Exclude$logFileNameToday | select-Last1 | Get-Content | where {$_-notin$logToday}
Just to give you a quick look at the last line,
That's the trend.
is a good way, but it's a little hard to use in scripts, so we extracted it with Where-Object
Compressed and written for use in batch files:
set LOGDIR="C:\Users\user\Desktop\batdevelopment\logs"
set TODAYLOG="%DATE:/=%.log"
The technical difficulty is that if yesterday's log wasn't there, it would go back to the previous day's log and repeat the comparison.
I was able to make it with C# rather than with shell, so please consider it.
Install dotnet Core 3.0
@echo off
rem getname.bat log directory name
cd/d% to dp0
US>dotnet run %1
dotnet new console
to Program.cs content
using System;
namespace getLog
class program
static void Main (string[]args)
String todayDir=DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
string dir = args[0];
// Look for logs until previous day's log files are found (up to 1 year)
for(DateTime tm=DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);tm>DateTime.Today.Add Years(-1);tm=tm.AddDays(-1)){
String todayLogFileName = tm.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".log";
if(System.IO.File.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, todayLogFileName))){
// use today's file name if not found
Finally, put the results in the environment variable
for/F"tokens=1delims="%ain('cmd/c app directory name\gitname.bat') do setPREV_YYYMMDD=%a
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