"When I press ""Enter"" after entering the command in the terminal, only "">"" appears repeatedly."

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 90 views

I'm a beginner.After entering the command at the terminal, press Enter to see only ">", and no matter how many times you press Enter, the line breaks only ">".

What is the state of this?

rubygems shell

2022-09-30 21:42

1 Answers

I think the secondary prompt is displayed.
Command input is not complete and waiting for input.
If you press Ctrl-C (C while holding Ctrl), the input will be canceled and you will be back to the original state.

That's what happens when you forget to close the quote. Check for errors in the commands you entered


 $echo "hello world←Press Enter while forgetting to close the quote
>← Incorrect input condition as the quote is not closed
>" ← Command executed when quota is closed
hello world

2022-09-30 21:42

If you have any answers or tips

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