How do I implement String.prototype.substr in PureScript?

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 40 views

1 Answers

You can do this by using slices or drop in the strings package.

↓ is an example implementation.

I use the Data.String.CodeUnits module instead of the Data.String.CodePoints module to bring it closer to the JavaScript string.

module Main

import Prelude

import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.String.CodeUnits as CodeUnits
import Effect (Effect)
import Test.Unit as TestUnit
import Test.Unit.Assert asAssert
import Test.Unit.Main as TestUnitMain

substr start lengths
  | US>"length<=0=""
  | otherwise=
    let start' = max 0 (start+(if start<0 then CodeUnits.length sell 0))
    in Maybe.fromMaybe" "(CodeUnits.slice start'(start'+length)s)

  let start' = max 0 (start+(if start<0 then CodeUnits.length sell 0))
  in CodeUnits.drop start's

main::Effect Unit
main = TestUnitMain.runTest do
  TestUnit.test "substr" do
    Assert.equal "oz" (substr12str)
    Assert.equal "zilla" (substr'2str)
    let aString="Mozilla"
    Assert.equal "M" (substr01 aString)
    US>Asert.equal"(substr10 aString)
    Assert.equal "a" (substr(-1)1aString)
    US>Asert.equal" "(substr1(-1)aString)
    Assert.equal "la" (substr'(-3)aString)
    Assert.equal "ozilla" (substr'1 aString)
    Assert.equal "Mo" (substr(-20)2aString)
    US>Asert.equal "(substr202 aString)

If start or length is not a negative number, you can write it a little more clearly.

substr start length s =
  Maybe.fromMaybe"(CodeUnits.slice start(start+length)s)

substr' = CodeUnits.drop

It has nothing to do with the question, but it might be better to use substring instead of substr in JavaScript.

2022-09-30 21:40

If you have any answers or tips

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