Why can I log in with SSH when the ssh-add-l result is The agent has no identities?

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 100 views

I'm wondering how I can log in to SSH under this condition.


registered key for SSH connection by running the
This allowed us to successfully connect to the SSH server.
However, if you run ssh-add-L after restarting your PC/Mac,

The agent has no identities.

Nothing was registered
Nevertheless, the ssh command was still able to connect.
(In addition, since SSH is connected to Bitbucket, I think there will be no misconfiguration on the server side.)

I would like you to tell me, but why do you think I can log in?
Also, is the key still registered in the result of The agent has no identities?
I would appreciate it if you could let me know if there are any other points that I should look into or misunderstand.

Thank you for your cooperation

ssh openssh

2022-09-30 21:39

1 Answers

-identity file
Specifies a file to read identity during public key authentication.The default is ~/.ssh/identity in the user ディレクトs home directory for Protocol 1, ~/.ssh/id_dsa for Protocol 2, ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 and ~/.ssh/id_rsa. You can also specify the identity file on a per-host basis, depending on the configuration file.You can also specify multiple -i options.If the certificate is not explicitly specified in the CertificateFile configuration item, ssh also tries to read the certificate from the filename with -cert.pub at the end.

In short, the $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa file is the private key to use by default, so you don't have to specify it (without adding it in ssh-add).

2022-09-30 21:39

If you have any answers or tips

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