I have a question about UISegmentControl.
In SegmentControl like the attached image,
without changing the overall size when selecting "First"
Is it possible to increase the width of "Fisrt" and reduce the width of "second"?
That's all.I look forward to your kind cooperation.
swift ios objective-c
public API does not have any particular selection/non-selection to change the width of each segment, so you can write a little code.
import UIKit
classViewController:UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var segmentedControl:UISegmentedControl!
override func viewDidLoad(){
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
let normalAttr: NNSAttributedString.Key:Any = [
.font —UIFont.systemFont (ofSize:12)
segmentedControl.setTitleTextAttributes (normalAttr, for:.normal)
let selectedAttr: NNSAttributedString.Key:Any = [
.font —UIFont.boldSystemFont (ofSize:18)
segmentedControl.setTitleTextAttributes (selectedAttr, for:.selected)
segmentedControl.addTarget(self, action:#selector(segmentValueChanged), for:.valueChanged)
@objc funcsegmentValueChanged(_sender:UISegmentedControl){
for in 0..<sender.numberOfSegments{
let width —CGFloat=sender.selectedSegmentIndex==i?80:60
sender.setWidth (width, forSegmentAt:i)
St On the Storyboard, set the total width of the selected segment (one 80
in the above example) and one non-selected segment (one 60
in the above example) (=140
また Also, the action of UISegmentedControl
is assumed to be not connected on the Storyboard.
This example distinguishes between the font in the selected state and the font in the non-selected state, but if you don't need that part, you don't need eight lines from let normalAttr...
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