PUMA error starting ruby on rails

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 124 views

I am about to start a ruby on rails server on ubuntu.
nginx starts, but rails are not connecting well.
Looking at the error message, it looks like a puma error.

[49359c84-f723-4896-b209-988a6e3fbbaf]puma(3.9.1)lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:120: in `block in spawn_thread'
I, [2018-10-31T09:39.137488#20962]INFO--: [db62fb02-e52e-497f-ae19-4f7eef0db44d] Started GET"/favicon.ico" for at 2018-10-3109:31:39+0900
F,[2018-10-31T09:31:39.139724#20962]FATAL--:[db62fb02-e52e-497f-ae19-4f7eef0db44d]ActionController:: RoutingError (Noroute matches [GET]"/favicon.ico"):
I, [2018-10-31T09:31:39.140100#20962]INFO--: [748709e2-db8d-4600-a608-d42f4c58b701] Started GET"/favicon.ico" for at 2018-10-3109:31:39+0900
F, [2018-10-31T09:31:39.140147#20962]FATAL--: [db62fb02-e52e-497f-ae19-4f7eef0db44d]   
F, [2018-10-31T09:31:39.141243#20962]FATAL--: [db62fb02-e52e-497f-ae19-4f7eef0db44d]actionpack(5.1.1)lib/action_dispatch/middleware/debug_exception.rb:63:in`call'

The environment is as follows:

  • ubuntu:16.04
  • nginx:1.14.0
  • puma:3.12.0
  • ruby:2.4.2
  • rails:12.0.0

Please let me know when you know what's wrong and what's good.
Thank you for your cooperation.

ruby-on-rails ubuntu nginx

2022-09-30 21:36

1 Answers

ActionController:: RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/favicon.ico"):

I suspect that routes.rb has not registered the GET /favicon.ico route.
Configure the route and try again.

2022-09-30 21:36

If you have any answers or tips

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