environment:CentOS 6.9
Thank you for your help.
It was very helpful that you previously taught me how to use awk to extract mail logs for a specified period of time.
I was thinking a lot about improving it from here, but it didn't work out by myself, so I asked you to give me your opinion again.
Here is a sample email log.
This is when it is successfully transmitted and when it is bounced.
It varies slightly depending on the destination, but it is basically in this format.
This is an example of when I sent it to SoftBank (i.softbank.jp).
By the way, as you can see, I am sending it via AWS.
May 1000:00 ip-172-31-21-151 mail/smtpd[1439]: B670861CA0:client=ip-172-31-38-47.ap-norteast-1.compute.internal[]
May 1000:00:00 ip-172-31-21-151 mail/cleanup [1477]: B670861CA0: message-id=<[email protected]>
May 1000:00 ip-172-31-21-151 mail/qmgr [1431]: B670861CA0:from=<[email protected]>,size=494,nrcpt=1 (queue active)
May 1000:00 ip-172-31-21-151 mail/smtp[1459]: B670861CA0:to=<[email protected]>,relay=msv.softbank.jp[]:25,delay=0.8,delays=0.06/3.1/0.6,dsn=2.0.0,status=sent(250message)20180510111628949.MPQS.14641.ebmky105sc.i.softbank.jp@ebmky105sb.mailsv.softbank.jp
May 1000:00:00 ip-172-31-21-151 mail/qmgr [1431]: B670861CA0: removed
May 1000:00 ip-172-31-21-151 mail/smtpd [8874]: 5564561CB8: client=ip-172-31-38-47.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal []
May 1000:00 ip-172-31-21-151 mail/cleanup [8877]:5564561CB8:message-id=<QUdsjiAFHF@OzemvwHngZ>
May 1000:00 ip-172-31-21-151 mail/qmgr [8873]:5564561CB8:from=<[email protected]>,size=442,nrcpt=1 (queue active)
May 1000:00 ip-172-31-21-151 mail/smtp [8896]:5564561CB8:to=<[email protected]>,relay=msv.softbank.jp[]:25,delay=1.1,delays=0.01/1/0.06,dsn=5.0.0,status=bound(host.40.7:550)
May 1000:00:00 ip-172-31-21-151 mail/bounce [8906]: 5564561CB8: sender non-delivery notification: 6B19061CB3
May 1000:00:00 ip-172-31-21-151 mail/qmgr [8873]: 5564561CB8: removed
Based on what you told me before, the output is now as follows.
(Example: extracting Softbank-based to)
filename = 'filename.csv'
this year = `date+%Y`
this month = `date+%m`
cat/var/log/maillog | awk-F-v nowtime="$nowtime"-v updatetime="$ updatetime"\
- v this year = "$ this year" - v this month = "$ this month" \
-v timediff="$timediff"'{
m = substr ($1,1,3)
year=mon<=this month?this year:this year-1
day = substr ($1,5,2)
hh = substr ($1,8,2)
mm = substr ($1,11,2)
ss=substr ($1,14,2)
if(mon<3) {mon+=12;year--}
epochtime= (365*year+int(year/4)-int(year/100)+int(year/400)\
+ int (306*(mon+1)/10)-428+day-719163)*86400\
+ (hh*3600) + (mm*60) + ss-timediff;
} updateetime<epochtime&&epochtime<=nowtime'
| grep-e'to=<.*@i.softbank.jp>\|to=<.*@s oftbank.ne.jp>\|to=<.* vodafone.ne.jp>'
| grep-v'discard' | sed-e's /(250.*)//'
|awk'{ if($12=="status=deferred") print $1, $2, $3, $7, $12; else if($16==550) print $1, $2, $3, $7, $12, $16, $23; else print $1, $2, $3, $7, $12, $16}'
| sed-e's /to = <//' | sed-e's />, //'
| sed-e's/status=//'
|awk'{print($1,$2,$3", "$4", "$5", "$6", "$7)}'>$filename
Date and time, destination email address (to), status, error code, error type
Outputs as comma-separated CSV files.
May800:00:00, [email protected], sent,
May 800:01:00, [email protected], bound, 550, DATA
May 800:02:00, [email protected], bound, 550, RCPT
In addition to this, I would like to add the source email address (from).
Extract the queue ID of to under similar conditions, and then extract from,
In the end, I would like to be able to output with from added above.
Here are some specific examples I would like to print:
May800:00:00, [email protected], sent,,,[email protected]
May 800:01:00, [email protected], bound, 550, DATA, [email protected]
May 800:02:00, [email protected], bound, 550, RCPT, [email protected]
Thank you for your cooperation.
bash sh awk
Basically, you just need to use the ID of the queue as the key to aggregate it, but
Because of this situation, the totalization is rather difficult.You need to create a program of a reasonable length in your language.
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