Japanese term for deep learning

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 129 views

Good morning, everyone.

I'm translating my resume from English to Japanese, but I'm not good at Japanese yet, but there are many terms I don't know, but Wikipedia doesn't help me, so I'm asking Stack Overflow.

Unknown terms in English:

  • Viewpoint invoice
  • Combining multiple neural networks to improve generalization
  • Restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs)
  • Stacking RBMs to make Deep Believe Nets
  • generative pre-training
  • Modeling hierarchy with neural nets
  • Image style transfer
  • sequence-to-sequence
  • Bilingual word embedding
  • Bilingual text alignment
  • One-shot learning
  • Differentiable natural computers
  • Capsule Neural Networks

Thank you!
Have a nice day!


deep-learning japanese english

2022-09-30 21:29

1 Answers

Many of the terms on the list are new.There are some things that are not fixed.If you can write in English, you should do so.

Also, please note that there are no plurals in Japanese.For example, the katakana corresponding to "neural network s" is often "neural network" instead of "neural networks.

Since some of the listed terms are new, there are terms which have no well-known translation. If you can leave them in English, I think it's better.

Also, note that Japanese language does not' have the plain form of sounds. So, for example, Katakana for "neural network s"is "neural network", not "neural network", in many cases.

  • Viewpoint invoice
    • Viewpoint invariance
    • viewpoint:viewpoint
    • invariance: invariance
  • Combining multiple neural networks to improve generalization
    • "Combine multiple neural networks to increase generalization"
    • generalization feasibility: "generalization capability"
    • neural network: "neural network" or "abbrevation"
  • Restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs)
    • Restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) or Restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) or Restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM)
    • Boltzmann machine: Boltzmann machine or Boltzmann machine
  • Stacking RBMs to make Deep Believe Nets
    • "Create Deep Believe Net Over RBM"
    • Deep Believe Net: Deep Believe Net or Deep Believe Net
  • generative pre-training
    • "generative pre-training" or "generative pre-training"
    • pre-training:pre-training
  • Modeling hierarchy with neural nets
    • "Model hierarchical structures in neural networks" or "Model hierarchical structures using neural networks"
  • Image style transfer
    • "Fashion Conversion" or "Fashion Conversion Machine"
    • image style: "picture style" or "image style"
    • transfer(asnoun):converter
  • sequence-to-sequence
    • "sequence-to-sequence" or "column to column"?
    • I think the meeting of this adaptive change recording to a context.
  • Bilingual word embedding
    • "bilingual word embedding" or "bilingual word embedding"??I don't know the exact translation.
    • word embedding: "word embedding" or simply, "word embedding"
      • or, "Distributed representations of words" as the translation of "distributed presents for words"
  • Bilingual text alignment
    • "bilingual text alignment" or "bilingual text alignment" or "text alignment between two languages"???I don't know the exact translation...
    • text alignment: Text alignment
  • One-shot learning
    • "one-shot learning" or "one-shot learning" or "one-shot learning"
    • I prefer the first one.
  • Differentiable neural computers
    • Differentiable Neural Computer or Differential Neural Computer
    • I prefer the first one. I don't know the well-known translation of this term.
    • differentiable: "differentiable" or "differentiable"
  • Capsule Neural Networks
    • Capsule Neural Network or Capsule Neural Network
  • Viewpoint invariance
  • viewpoint:viewpoint
  • invariance: invariance
  • "Combine multiple neural networks to increase generalization"
  • generalization feasibility: "generalization capability"
  • neural network: "neural network" or "abbrevation"
  • Restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) or Restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) or Restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM)
  • Boltzmann machine: Boltzmann machine or Boltzmann machine
  • "Create Deep Believe Net Over RBM"
  • Deep Believe Net: Deep Believe Net or Deep Believe Net
  • "generative pre-training" or "generative pre-training"
  • pre-training:pre-training
  • "Model hierarchical structures in neural networks" or "Model hierarchical structures using neural networks"
  • "Fashion Conversion" or "Fashion Conversion Machine"
  • image style: "picture style" or "image style"
  • transfer(asnoun):converter
  • "sequence-to-sequence" or "column to column"?
  • I think the meeting of this adaptive change recording to a context.
  • "bilingual word embedding" or "bilingual word embedding"??I don't know the exact translation.
  • word embedding: "word embedding" or simply, "word embedding"
    • or, "Distributed representations of words" as the translation of "distributed presents for words"
  • or, "Distributed representations of words" as the translation of "distributed presents for words"
  • "bilingual text alignment" or "bilingual text alignment" or "text alignment between two languages"???I don't know the exact translation...
  • text alignment: Text alignment
  • "one-shot learning" or "one-shot learning" or "one-shot learning"
  • I prefer the first one.
  • Differentiable Neural Computer or Differential Neural Computer
  • I prefer the first one. I don't know the well-known translation of this term.
  • differentiable: "differentiable" or "differentiable"
  • Capsule Neural Network or Capsule Neural Network

Supplementary Notes

If you have any questions about Japanese grammar, there is also a site called Japanese Language Stack Exchange.

If you have questions about Japanese grammar, there is also a site called Japanese Language Stack Exchange.

I used my friend's opinion to think about the translation.I would like to take this opportunity to thank you.Thank you.

2022-09-30 21:29

If you have any answers or tips

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