I can no longer access the ip: "" of the local development environment I have been using.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 101 views

When I was running Vagrant, I got running(virtualbox) or vagrant provision or use the --provision. What do you mean by flag to force provisioning.Provisioners marked to run always will run.?

I could have done it until 2 o'clock today, but while I was trying to install new boxes and create new hosts, I couldn't log in to the virtual machine I used until now.First of all, I want to go back to the previous state.Thank you for your cooperation.

Basically, I take dot installation classes.I downloaded the box "CentOS-6.4-x86_64-v20131103.box" from here.

When I run vagrant up, I am having trouble accessing the development environment with putty and inactive.
I want to know the cause or solution.

The steps I took are as follows.
(1) First of all, the problem this time is [old version] building a local development environment #02 Vagrant to start a virtual machine.So it's all wrong to try to create a host in a local development environment like dev.dotinstall.com or centos64, specifically in a Vagrant. Created a folder for v and CentoS.And as I looked at the creation of a new local development environment, I remembered that I told my class that I should create it in MyVagrant, so I created it here too.
To launch the virtual machine by doing "vagrant box add centos 64box" I remember when I did Vagrant init chef/centos-6.5 because I couldn't do Vagrant init centos 64box.If I remember correctly, I didn't use the IP address "".I feel like I did vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest too
(3)So instead of being able to access dev.dotinstall.com, I couldn't access the normal lacalshost, so I did a lot of things from here.
The results are as follows:

&Copy and paste the displayed items /

To determine the cause, we conducted the following tests:
The problem could not be resolved.

(a) Start with drive c and enter Vagrant in localde
Removed the v and CentoS folders.I deleted all d.vagrants in the vagrant relationship because I thought it would be possible to erase the d.vagrant file when I created dev.dotinstall.com.
And remember that VirtualBox 5.1.22 and later in the new local development class will fail, so don't deploy it.This time, I think vagrant init chef/centos-6.5 is the case, so I deleted the http://developer.nrel.gov/downloads/vagrant-boxes/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-v20131103.box file from the c drive.I really wanted to uninstall it, but I didn't, so I didn't uninstall it.

(b) So I took # for config.vm.network "private_network" and ip: "" as I saw in the class, but it doesn't lead to putty as shown in the image.Thank you for your cooperation.

[Copy and paste error messages]

My environment is as follows.
[Machine, Memory Volume, Related Peripherals, OS, Software Used, Version, etc.]
Windows 10 64-bit toshiba

I've already done it on my computer, and if I do it badly, I'll get stuck again, so I won't do it any more.


vagrant virtualbox

2022-09-30 21:24

1 Answers

This issue has been resolved.The reason seems to be that there were too many tinkering and IP address conflicts.

This post is Posted as a community wiki based on @Leonardo de Vinti's comments.

2022-09-30 21:24

If you have any answers or tips

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