Description in csh (how to write if statements)

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 113 views


The contents of abc.log are as above.
NG if 40 or 50 is included,
Otherwise return "Ok" as a result,
Could you tell me how to create a shell program (description method)?


2022-09-30 21:24

4 Answers

For Csh, the termination status of the previous command can be found in $status ($? can also be used in tcsh).
The if statement allows you to compare numbers in a C-language way.


    # There were forty or fifty lines.
    echo "NG"
    # There were no lines of forty or fifty.
    echo "OK"

You can also execute the enclosed command with {} where the expression can be written, such as the if statement.
The value in this part is 1 if the command exit status is successful (0), otherwise 0.
Therefore, you can write grep and if above.


csh(1)-Linux man page
Manpage of TCSH-JM Project

2022-09-30 21:24

Oira has the same opinion as Sakuro, so I will try to write the answer in the balloon shell.
I'll write down the thought process for someone's reference.

You can immediately think of using grep to find 40 or 50 in the file.
What I want to do this time is search for OR, but how do I search for OR in grep?
Try mangrep first

Then you can read all of the following from this man page
- You can specify -e multiple times for OR searches.
- The exit code is
0 when found, 1 if not found
- I don't need 40 or 50 echo back this time, but it can be suppressed by →-q and -s

So you can simply use if.
The then section of if starts with the 0 exit code.

$if grep-s-q-e40-e50abc.log;the echo NG;else echo Ok;fi

Therefore, if you summarize the omission of consideration that is not presented in the specification, your boss won't complain.

  • 450 or 540 or 5040 are included, what is Ok?Or NG?
  • Like -40 or -50?
  • How do you say 40 in so-called full-width characters?
  • If you're dealing with "so-called" full-width, what's encoding?

The rest is waiting for the instructions of the boss/former speaker.

2022-09-30 21:24

Thank you all for letting me know.
The abc.log does not contain strings of 角full-width 」 or マイナスminus 」 characters.

in "if grep-s-q-e 40-e 50 abc.log;the echo NG; else echo Ok;fi" This time, I solved it.

Sorry for the late reply.

2022-09-30 21:24

Another explanation.

Read each line, and if the content is 40 or 50, ng otherwise OK is displayed for each line, and is implemented in the balloon shell.

In the balloon shell, if you search for read to read one line from the standard input, or while read to repeat it to EOF, it will be a hit immediately.If you've written a shell script several times, you know that you can compare strings with the OR operator of Bourne shell's built-in command test, so what do you do with OR?This can also be subtracted from man and is easily searchable.

$while read x; if [$x=40-o$x=50]; then echo NG; else echo Ok; fi; done

I think I can write it down fairly quickly until (this is a bad example).

Also, it is good to give various input to this.If you're familiar with debugging shell scripts, you know that giving "string with spaces" or "string with shell glob characters" often results in errors.Therefore, try giving ab or * as the reading input for read.

-bash:[: Too many arguments

Wow, they complained.So echo is useful to find out what the problem is.All I want to debug now is around the test expression, so I'll try it like this.

$whilereadx; echo[$x=40-o$x=50]; done
[a.out baz.cbaz.h foo.cpp foo.h=40-o a.out baz.cbaz.h foo.cpp foo.h=50]

If you know that $x has been deployed, you can simply double-quote it to avoid unnecessary deployments of $x.

$ while read x; if [ "$x" = "40" -o "$x" = "50" ]; then echo NG; else echo Ok; fi; done

When you double-quote the left side, the trick is to double-quote the right side like "40" or "50".

Also, if you decide whether to choose read or read-r because you should accept the delimiter as an opportunity, and if you specify the redirect at the end, it will be sufficient

$catabc.log | while read-rx; if ["$x" = "40" -o "$x" = "50" ]; then echo NG; else echo Ok; fi; done


$while read-rx; if ["$x" = "40" -o "$x" = "50" ]; then echo NG; else echo Ok; fi; done<abc.log

Become a one-liner as shown in .

The other answer is the same, so that is omitted.Please be aware that the difference in behavior between test and grep will result in different results for 450.

Oira has no intention of writing a csh script, so if it really has to be csh, leave the rest to someone.

2022-09-30 21:24

If you have any answers or tips

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