I heard that QtCreator supports non-Qt projects, but could you create a binary that is not LGPLv3 from QtCreator?
In other words, wouldn't Qt Creator have to mix pieces of code into non-Qt projects or link libraries to release them under the LGPLv3 license?
Normally, I don't think IDE licenses affect the project, but I'd like to see what the document says.
I understand the GPL exception clause of GCC/libstdc++ for Android Project.I'm looking for something like this QtCreator version.
qt license qt-creator gpl
I have never seen it myself, and the Qt license page did not specify whether the code created in QtCreator itself would be LGPLv3.(There were exceptions to linked objects)
If you want to confirm the licensing requirements for individual software, I think you should check with the Qt Company.
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