sqlserver:Microsoft SQL SERVER 2008
The following Javascript functions are called from the ASPX file and processed.
If the SELECT result for sqlServer is an [object] that does not exist in the table, the if statement else processing should work, but after else processing does not work and the function call ends.
I would like to know how to successfully determine the object in the SELECT result by conditional branching.
Or if the SELECT results are used incorrectly or if there is another way to judge, I would like to know the correct usage and means.
function checkSMT_Z120(regClass, obj, z120, ovday, odlvprice){
// Error avoidance ttry{~
varobjADO=new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");// Connect to DB using ADODB module
var inputchk = obj.value // Get the entered part number as an argument
varcompanyGrp=z120.value//Retrieves the z120 group entered as an argument
varformVday=frmFormData.elements [ovday]; // Return old valid start date to form
varformoDlvPrice=frmFormData.elements [odlvprice]; // Return old delivery price to form
var formregClass=frmFormData.elements [regClass]; // Return registration classification to form
// 1. Open the SQL Server DB using ADO
"server=[ip]; database=[db name]; uid=[****]; pwd=[****];");
// 2. Run SQL to see the registration status of the target table
varret=objADO.Execute("select part number, amount, quantity, start date from Z120where customer G5='"+companyGrp
+ "'and part number='+inputchk
+ "'and End Date = '99991231'";
if(ret("item number")!="[object]") {
} else{
// Close ADO
Perhaps the value required for processing is not ret("item number")
but ret("item number").Value
ret("part number")
is of type ADODB.Field
.This type is [object]
when converted to a string, but it does not match the string "[object]"
Execute results for the Connection object are returned by the Recordset object.
The object will be returned unless there is an error, so I think only the object will be returned.
Whether the record was successfully retrieved or not is determined by the EOF property of the Recordset object if you create it in an HTA, etc.I will return it in Boolean form, so it should work like if(ret.EOF){}.
Connection.Execute Method-MSDN
If you only want to get the first line, this code is fine, but if you want to do multiple lines, use MoveNext, EOF, etc. to loop.
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