I am creating an app for Rails.How do I sort columns by minimum → maximum in ActiveRecord?

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 174 views

I am currently creating an app for Rails."Below, I would like to sort by ""sign column minimum value → maximum value"" in the costs table, what should I do?"

The reason why I wanted to sort by "sign column minimum → maximum" is because I use Gem cocoon in Rails, but after registering with form, the order of registration in show.html.erb is different from the order of registration with form.

Rails 4.2.3

cocoon https://github.com/nathanvda/cocoon

Press the Add Line button in [subjects/_form.html.erb] to add the contents of the partial file (_cost_fields.html.erb).

sign column data types:string

quality: "1",
product: "Product B",
created_at:Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:53:42 JST+09:00,
updated_at:Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:53:42 JST+09:00,
sign: "2",

id: 125,
quality: "3",
product: "Product A",
created_at:Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:53:42 JST+09:00,
updated_at:Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:53:42 JST+09:00,
sign: "1",

id: 125,
quality: "5",
product: "Product C",
created_at:Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:53:42 JST+09:00,
updated_at:Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:53:42 JST+09:00,
sign: "3",

After sorting, I would like to display it in the following order in the view (minimum value in the sign column → maximum value):

quality: "3",
product: "Product A",
created_at:Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:53:42 JST+09:00,
updated_at:Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:53:42 JST+09:00,
sign: "1",

id: 125,
quality: "1",
product: "Product B",
created_at:Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:53:42 JST+09:00,
updated_at:Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:53:42 JST+09:00,
sign: "2",

id: 125,
quality: "5",
product: "Product C",
created_at:Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:53:42 JST+09:00,
updated_at:Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:53:42 JST+09:00,
sign: "3",


class SubjectsController <ApplicationController
  before_action: set_subject, only: [:show,:edit,:update,:destroy]

  # GET/subjects/1
  # GET/subjects/1.json
  def show

    # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
      @subject=Subject.find (params[:id])




class Subject <ActiveRecord::Base
  accepts_nested_attributes_for:costs, allow_destroy:true     


class Cost<ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to —subject


      <td class="customer_right_space">
        <div class="field form-group">
          <%=f.label:Customer %><br>
          <%=f.text_field:customer,class:'form-control',placeholder:'Sample Corporation'%>
        <div class="field form-group">
          <%=f.label: Subject %><br>
          <%=f.text_field:subject,class:'form-control',placeholder:'Sample Corporation SNO.720'%>
    <%=f.fields_for: costs do | costs_form | %>
      <%=render 'cost_fields', f:costs_form%>
    <div class="text-center">
      <%=link_to_add_association 'Add line', f, :costs%>
    <div class="actions text-center">
      <%=f.submit 'registration', class: 'btn btn-default btn-success visited_white'%>

[subjects/_cost_fields.html.erb] *This is what is added when you click the Add Detail button above.

<div class="nested-fields">
      <table class="table table-border">
        <tr class="success">
          <th class="text-center"> sign </th>
          <th colspan="3" class="text-center"> Material/Product Name</th>
          <th class="text-center">Pressure</th>
          <th class="text-center">Size</th>
          <th colspan="3" class="text-center">Notes</th>
          <td rspan="3" class="vertical_center">%=f.text_field:sign, class:'form-control'%>>/td>>!---sign -->
          <td colspan="3" class="field form-group">%=f.text_area:product, class:'form-control', placeholder:'Product A'%>>/td><!--Materials and Product Name -->
          <td class="field form-group">%=f.text_field:pressure, class:'form-control'%>/td><!--Pressure -->
          <td class="field form-group">%=f.text_field:size, class:'form-control'%>/td><!---size-->
          <td colspan="3" class="field form-group">%=f.text_area:remarks, placeholder:"Notes", class:'form-control'%></td><!--Notes-->
          <th class="text-center"> quantity </th>
          <th class="text-center">HVK</th>
          <th class="text-center">Fujii</th>
          <th class="text-center">Imamoto</th>
          <th class="text-center">cost</th>
          <th class="text-center"> Original Total </th>
          <th class="text-center">Sales Price</th>
          <th class="text-center">Sales meter </th>
        <tr class="up_area">
          <td class="field form-group">%=f.text_field:quantity, id:"num01", class:'form-control num'%>>/td><!--- Qty -->
          <td class="field form-group">%=f.text_field:hvk, id:"num02", class:'form-control hvk num'%>>/td><!--HVK-->
          <td class="field form-group">%=f.text_field:fujii, id:"num03", class:'form-control fujiinum'%>>/td>>!--Fujii-->
          <td class="field form-group">%=f.text_field:imamoto, id:"num04", class:'form-control imamoto num'%>>/td>>!--Imamoto -->
          <td class="field form-group">%=f.text_field:unit_price, id:"ans01", class:'form-control unit_price'%>>/td><!--cost -->
          <td class="field form-group">%=f.text_field:price_total,id:"ans02", class:'form-control price_total'%></td><!--- Original Total -->
          <td class="field form-group">%=f.text_field:selling_price, id:"num05", class:'form-control selling_price_total num'%>>/td>!--Sales price -->
          <td class="field form-group">%=f.text_field:selling_price_total, id:"ans03", class:'form-control selling_price_total'%>>/td><!--- Total sales -->
          <td><%=link_to_remove_association 'delete', f, class: 'btn btn-default'%>/td>


   <th> Signs </th>
   <th> Quantity </th>
   <th>Pressure </th>

<%@subject.costs.each do | cost | %> 

<%=link_to 'Edit', edit_subject_path(@subject)%>
<%=link_to 'Destroy', @subject,method::delete,data:{confirm:'Are you sure?'}%>
<%=link_to 'Back', subjects_path%>

ruby-on-rails ruby rails-activerecord

2022-09-30 21:18

1 Answers

It is not directly related to the question, but use Strong Parameters instead of using params directly when appropriate.

You can sort by .costs.order(:sign) and sign where appropriate.

If you are comfortable calling order in View,
<%@subject.costs.order(:sign).each do|cost|%>
should solve this problem (I think it would be better to refactor it so that the controller can call it properly).It is also not directly related to order, but probably N+1 problems with the current source.)

I think you might want to call .includes(:cost).order('costs.sign') in the appropriate place instead of costs.order(:sign) (probably this way will eliminate the N+1 problem and you can call order on the controller).
I can't try it here, but I think it will look like Subject.find.includes(:cost).order('costs.sign').

2022-09-30 21:18

If you have any answers or tips

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