The standard music app can be controlled by MPMusicPlayerController.iPodMusicPlayer
var player=MediaPlayer.MPMusicPlayerController.iPodMusicPlayer;
If it is not limited to music apps, you can do it with AVFoundation.AVAudioSession
var session=AVFoundation.AVAudioSession.SharedInstance();
NSError error;
session.SetActive(true, outerr);
gives you more control, such as "Turn down the volume of other apps and play your app's voice."
For Android, AudioManager.RequestAudioFocus
can stop playing other apps by taking away audio focus exclusively.
The following example takes the focus away when the app screen appears, stops playing other apps, and gives up when the app is in the background.
public class MainActivity: Activity, Android.Media.AudioManager.IonAudioFocusChangeListener
protected override void OnResume()
_audioManager= (Android.Media.AudioManager) GetSystemService (Context.AudioService);
// exclusively deprive someone of focus
_audioManager.RequestAudioFocus(this, Android.Media.Stream.Music, Android.Media.AudioFocus.GainTransientExclusive);
public void OnAudioFocusChange([GeneratedEnum] Android.Media.AudioFocus FocusChange)
// be called when one gets focus
protected override void OnPause()
// relinquish focus
Audio-related controls are complicated and difficult for each platform, so you should first learn about each Android/iOS API.
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