AVAudioPlayer Cannot Play Audio in Actual Document Folder

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 91 views

I'm recording it with AVAudioRecorder, recording it in the Document folder, and trying to play it back with AVAudioPlayer.Player.I put a project in GitHub that summarizes only the problems.


Complexly, this code works correctly in the simulator.However, the actual device (iPad Air 2) does not play the audio in the Document folder with the following error:

Error loading
Error Domain= NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=2003334207"(null)"


Error loading
Error Domain= NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=1685348671"(null)"

There are three buttons.

Play audio recorded by simulator
Press this button to play the audio file on the Bundle (which contains clapping sounds).This audio file ran this program in the simulator, recorded it, took it out of the Document folder, and registered it in the project.In other words, I believe that the recording itself is successful.Also, AVAudioPlayer is not unable to play this file.

Press to start recording, and press again to stop recording.Generate the file in the Document folder and overwrite any existing files.

Play the audio you created in the Document folder.The simulator makes a recorded sound, but the actual machine makes an error and does not make a sound.

  • Checked for error codes 1685348671 and 2003334207.
  • I also looked at "Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=2003334207"
  • Document directory handling

All of them have a lot of information, but I couldn't find anything to solve them.

  • Retrieved the list of files in the Document directory and verified that the files exist.
  • AVAudioPlayer Cannot Play Files Created in Document Folder on the Actual Machine
  • Playable in the simulator
  • You can move files recorded by the simulator to Bundle and play them on the actual machine

I would appreciate it if you could let me know if anyone knows the solution.Thank you for your cooperation.


2022-09-30 21:14

1 Answers

Apple's documentation is not always easy to understand and does not provide a Japanese version, but if you use AVAudioRecorder, you will need to configure AVAudioSession.
Multimedia Programming Guide
- Recording with the AVAudioRecorder Class

An example code is written in Objective-C without ARC as it is, but to get to the point:

  • Set the category to AVAudioSessionCategory(_:) in AVAudioSession before starting recording.
  • Set active to true in AVAudioSession setActive(_:) before starting recording as well
  • After recording, change active to false in AVAudioSession setActive(_:).

Not found in this document, but if you want to play recorded data in AVAudioPlayer after the above:

  • Set the category to AVAudioSessionCategory(_:) in AVAudioSession before starting playback.

I think I have to do what I said.

As for your Github code,
After audioRecorder?.stop() in the record(_:) method:

let session=AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()

(It may be better to catch the error, but I'll simplify it for a quick overview here.)

After audioRecorder=try AVAudioRecorder(URL:url,settings:recordSettings) in the setupAudioRecorder() method:

let session=AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
        try session.setCategory (AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord)
        try session.setActive(true)

Before audioPlayer=try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL:url) in the play(_:) method:

let audioSession=AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
        tryaudioSession.setCategory (AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient)

Try adding a code to the AVAudioSession operation, as shown in .

Note that the error message indicates that you have fiddled with how to create the (?) file path during trial and error, but of course, be careful to point the file path for recording and playback to the same file under the Documents directory.

In this environment, the above modifications have definitely enabled playback, but it may not be exactly the same environment, so there may still be something.Please let me know if there is anything after trying.

2022-09-30 21:14

If you have any answers or tips

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