I want to build OpenWnn on Android Studio

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 87 views

I downloaded the openwnn source, but I'm having trouble building it on Android Studio.If you're an expert, please give me some advice.

The source I am using is an Android Studio import (because the source is Eclipse) feature that I downloaded in the following steps.

$git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/inputmethods/OpenWnn.git
$ cd OpenWnnn
$ git tag
$ git branch-a
$ git checkout-bics-mr1-release origin/ics-mr1-release

Error Message

pkg: /data/local/tmp/jp.co.omronsoft.openwnn
DEVICE SHELL COMMAND: pm uninstall jp.co.omronsoft.openwnn

I see a message saying that, but I don't know exactly what to do.Thank you for your cooperation.

android android-studio

2022-09-30 21:13

2 Answers

The error message itself is "I'm trying to update an older version (VersionCode) than the installed app", but since the AndroidManifest.xml of this project does not have a VersionCode, I think it actually means "I don't know the VersionCode of the built app, so I can't install it."

If you have already converted to a project for Android Studio, you can resolve this error by adding versionCode and versionName in defaultConfig of app/build.gradle.

defaultConfig {
    applicationId "jp.co.omronsoft.openwnn"
    versionName "1.0" // versionName may not be required

Now, I'm going to start with this. In the case of AVD (emulator), OpenWnn seems to have already been installed in the read-only area of the terminal, and I can't install it with the error "Electronic signature is different" after taking the above action.

The above site describes the installed OpenWnn method, but even if I tried it myself, I couldn't get root permission and couldn't solve it.

Therefore, it would be better to use a real machine that does not have OpenWnn installed by default or Genymotion.I was able to confirm the installation with the actual Nexus 6.

2022-09-30 21:13

The manufacturer's genuine apk may not work well (it might be better if you have a little ingenuity in installing it).

However, if you use Genymotion, you can use some apps.

2022-09-30 21:13

If you have any answers or tips

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