I used a library called GCDAsyncSocket for socket communication.
Debugging with IPv6 only Network
lost connect Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=51 "Network is unreachable" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Network is unreachable, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error in connect() function}
because the error
came out and I couldn't help it.
We are implementing it in NSSstream, but we would like you to inform us that we cannot deal with the situation where there is a lack of data due to receiving data.
With GCDAsyncSocket, I was able to read sockets of the length specified by readDataToLength, and I was able to figure out the size of the sockets to be received, but is it possible for NSSstream to implement them like that?
NSSstreamEventHasBytesAvailable retrieves NSData as follows:
uint8_t buffer [4096];
unsigned intlen=0;
while (InputStream hasBytesAvailable)
InputStream getBuffer: & buffer length: &len;
len = [InputStream read: buffer maxLength: size of (buffer)];
NSData*data=[NSDataDataWithBytes:buffer length:len];
Thank you for your cooperation.
ios objective-c socket
I think the second and fifth lines are wrong.
First, you don't need the fifth line, so suddenly
-(NSUInteger) read:(nonnulluint8_t*) buffer maxLength:(NSUInteger) length;
Read the data using the method.At that time, I gave Len's pointer, so I think the reason is that he is trying to read up to the ridiculously large number of bytes that are Len's address.
Below is a code that reads one byte at a time until a separator character arrives.
NSInteger actuallyRead = 0;
BOOL repeat = YES;
do {//read from stream
actuallyRead = [readStream read: & oneByte maxLength:1U];
// check data
case1://success normal one byte.
repeat = NO;
CFDataAppendBytes (recievedData, & oneByte, activeRead);
NSLog(@"Error at reading stream%@:%@", NSSstringFromSelector(_cmd), [selfclass]);
NSLog(@"StreamStatus:%lu", [readStreamStreamStatus]);
NSLog(@"StreamError: %@", [readStreamstreamError]);
}// end switch
} while(repeat);
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