After upgrading from Cordova 4.1 to Cordova 5.2 in monaca, I can no longer play audio files.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 63 views

When I upgraded from Cordova 4.1 to Cordova 5.2 in monaca, the sound effects of the media plug-in stopped working.
It works with monaca debugger, but it doesn't sound when you build it and run it with iOS devices.
It rang before the version upgrade.

The part that makes the sound is
at the following URL.
We're doing the same thing as the sample source called Sound Playback using the Media API in PhoneGap.
Media plug-in is turned on in Cordova plug-in management screen.
Do I need to rewrite the source of the media plug-in for the upgrade?
Please let me know if you know.

monaca cordova

2022-09-30 21:11

1 Answers

I built it again without changing anything, and it was fixed.
It seems to have been fixed by Monaca's defect handling.
Below is a quote from the Failure Information page.

2015/11/24 00:00 JST
For those using Basic and Personal plans, there was a bug where the plug-in was not installed properly in the build application and custom debugger created for the Cordova 5 series project.

2015/11/30 12:30 JST
The fix for the defect has been completed.

2022-09-30 21:11

If you have any answers or tips

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