I'm thinking of using Prime31 for Unity push notifications.
The notification itself is
Android: EtceteraAndroid.scheduleNotification()
It is possible in
The way to cancel the existing push notification when you return to the app does not work on Android.
iOS works with NotificationServices.CancelAllLocalNotifications().
EtceteraAndroid.cancelAllNotifications() on Android does not seem to work.
If anyone is clearing push notifications on Android,
Please let me know how you are doing it.
as stated in the prime31 formula.
Note: Android notifications have had many bugs over the variable Android versions. If you intend to cancel notifications some Android versions will not be able to cancel all notifications when you call cancelAll Notifications. It is recommended to use the cancel notification notification
EtceteraAndroid.cancelAllNotifications() may not work
EtceteraAndroid.cancelNotification() for individually registered notifications
I had no choice but to erase it.
I suffered from the same symptoms here, and eventually
EtceteraAndroid.cancelNotification() and
We are dealing with it by calling both EtceteraAndroid.cancelAllNotifications().
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