ffmpeg option - I have a question about c:v.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 104 views

If you encode a raspivid video with a codec in ffmpeg's -c:v, the error Protocol not found appears.
The command is

ffmpeg test-y-i-c:vlibx264 test01.mp4

I'm doing it with this.The test is a video obtained by raspivid.
If you encode mp4 without using c:v, you can make mp4 videos.

I don't know why c:v causes Protocol not found.
I would like someone to tell me

raspberry-pi ffmpeg

2022-09-30 20:53

1 Answers

Are the options in the wrong order?The input filename is immediately after -i.


I don't know why I got the error Protocol not found...

How to use ffmpeg: tech.ckme.co.jp

2022-09-30 20:53

If you have any answers or tips

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