I want to convert the URL of the web page to UserId or GroupId in Facebook Graph API.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 71 views

I would like to convert the URL of Facebook to UserId or GroupId as shown on the following site.


I can't find the equivalent of the Facebook Graph API.
Does anyone know how to convert it?

It used to work this way, but


For some reason, the return value JSON has become blank data, so I can no longer use it.

{ "data": [ ]}

facebook ajax facebook-graph-api facebook-api facebook-php-sdk

2022-09-30 20:53

1 Answers


It seems that you can retrieve json data from Facebook Graph API search.
It may have been a problem on the facebook side.

However, I don't think the search conversion is smart.

I wish I could translate the URL.As far as I know, there seems to be no good way.

2022-09-30 20:53

If you have any answers or tips

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