Currently, I am studying with a sample application for omikuji.
I was able to play BGM by referring to the sample code, but I don't know how to switch BGM.
I would like to switch background music without using the screen transition.
What kind of cord should I put in which part to switch the background music?
If anyone understands, I would appreciate it if you could teach me.
My environment is Xcode7swift2.0.
- Play GameViewController BGM1 -
import UIKit
import SpriteKit
Import the import AVFoundation // AVFoundation framework.
classGameViewController:UIViewController {
var player —Variables for controlling AVAudioPlayer?//BGM
var soundManager=SEManager() // Variables instantiated in SEManager
// BGM playback method
funcplay(soundName:String) {
// Load sound file
let soundPath=NSBundle.mainBundle().bundlePath.stringByAppendingPathComponent(soundName)
// Pass the loaded file
let url —NSURL?=NSURL.fileURLWithPath(soundPath)
// Set the path to the mp3 file loaded into ↓player
player=try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL:url!)
} catch_{
player?.numberOfLoops=-1// Loop BGM indefinitely
player?prepareToPlay()// Immediately play audio.
player?play()//Play sound
override func viewDidLoad(){
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from anib.
Calling the //play method.The argument is the filename.
let screen = GameScene (size: CGSize (width: 750, height: 1334))
let skView=self.view as!SKView
override func shouldAutorotate()->Bool{
return true
override func supportedInterfaceOrients()->UIInterfaceOrientationMask{
if UIDevice.currentDevice().userInterfaceIdiom==.Phone {
return UIInterfaceOrientationMask.AllButUpsideDown
} else{
return UIInterfaceOrientationMask.All
override funcdidReceiveMemoryWarning(){
// Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.
override funcprefersStatusBarHidden() - >Bool{
return true
import SpriteKit
import AVFoundation
// prepare a sprite for illustration
let mySprite=SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "omikuji.png")
// prepare a sprite for buttons
let btnSprite=SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "button.png")
// prepare labels for omikuji results
let myLabel=SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "Verdana-bold")
override func DidMoveToView (view:SKView) {
// color the background
// display an illustration
mySprite.position=CGPoint (x:375, y:900)
addChild (mySprite)
// display a button
btnSprite.position = CGPoint (x:375, y:200)
// display omikuji result labels
myLabel.position=CGPoint (x:375, y:500)
// Touch Action
override functouchesBegan(touches:Set<UITouch>, withEvent:UIEvent?) {
for touch:AnyObject into touches {
// Look at what's in the touched position.
let location = touch.locationInNode(self)
let touchNode=self.nodeAtPoint(location)
// If it's a button,
// BGM does not stop when sound effects occur
// the creation of sound effects data
let mySoundAction: SKAction=SKAction.playSoundFileNamed("hit.wav", waitForCompletion:true")
// playback action
self.runAction (mySoundAction);
// Mark ??? and then wag the omikuji
// omikuji-shaking process
func shakeOmikuji(){
// BGM sample 1 stopped playing
// Now I want to switch background music to sample 2
// [Turn on the action of wielding omikuji]
// the action of tilting the omikuji slightly to the right
let action1 = SKAction.rotateToAngle (-0.3, duration: 0.2)
// the action of tilting the omikuji slightly to the left
let action 2 = SKAction.rotateToAngle (0.3, duration: 0.2)
// the action of turning over a lottery ticket
let action 3 = SKAction.rotateToAngle (3.14, duration: 0.2)
// Action 1, action 2, action 3 in the order specified
let actionS = SKAction.sequence(
[action1, action2, action1, action2, action1, action3])
// Add an action to the omikuji and run kekka at the end.
mySprite.runAction(actionS, completion:showOmikuji)
// The process of displaying results
func showOmikuji(){
varomikuji = ["Okichi", "Nakayoshi", "Kichi", "Kichi"]
letter=Int(arc4 random_uniform(4))
override func update (currentTime:CFTimeInterval) {
How do you want to change the background music?
This will change the code you add.
For example, the background music is changed by tapping the button.and so on.
If you simply want to change your music, you can change it by stopping AVAudioPlayer, passing it again, and doing prepareToPlay().
Below is a program that changes the BGM by tapping one finger, and stops or resumes playing BGM by tapping two fingers (or more).
import UIKit
import SpriteKit
import AVFoundation
private var southernURL —NSURL!
private var happyURL —NSURL!
override init (size: CGSize) {
super.init (size:size)
required init?(coder adecoder:NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:)has not been implemented")
override func DidMoveToView (view:SKView) {
let bndl = NSBundle.mainBundle()
southernURL=bndl.URLForResource("southern", withExtension:"m4a")
happyURL=bndl.URLForResource("happy", withExtension:"m4a")
currentBGM = AVAudioPlayer (contentsOfURL:southernURL, error:nil)
override func willMoveFromView (view:SKView) {
if currentBGM.playing == true {
override functouchesBegan (touches:Set<NSObject>, withEvent:UIEvent) {
if touches.count<2 {// single finger tap,
} else {// If you have more than two fingers,
US>func changeBGM(){
if currentBGM.playing {
if currentBGM.url==southernURL{
currentBGM=AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL:happyURL, error:nil)
} else{
currentBGM = AVAudioPlayer (contentsOfURL:southernURL, error:nil)
func pauseBGM(){
if currentBGM.playing {
The currentBGM.pause()//pause() will disconnect from the sound file.And when it resumes, it starts from where it stops.
} else{
In cases where it is guaranteed that it does not become nil, the instance variable can be Implicitly Unwrapped Optional (!) instead of Optional (?).Also, it is the programmer himself who makes a "guaranteed non-nil".
in NSBundle
returns nil
if the resource file retrieval fails.Therefore, you do not need to use the swift 2.0 exception handling.This time, under Programmer's Responsibility, we assumed that there must be a sound file, so if you want to consider the case where the sound file retrieval failed, use Optional Binding to branch conditions based on whether the variable is nil
The prepareToPlay()
method does not need to be called unless you are concerned about the time lag (delay) at the start of playback.
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