In one of the bootstrap examples, we implemented the album example in django, and when you run the runserver
command in
, the message django.template.exception.TemplateError: Unknown argument for 'include: 100%' appears. {%include icons/placeholder.svgwidth="100%" height="225" background="#55595c" color="#eeef" class="card-img-top" text="Thumbnail" %}
Why does this error appear...
This is the project repository. I'm new to web development. Thank you ㅠ<
django python bootstrap
Can the template engine deliver parameters when including these days? {% Please fill in include icons/placeholder.svg} only.
Check the grammar of the Template Engine in this part.
If you haven't touched anything, I think you're using the Django Default Template engine. Here's the grammar, and there's no grammar to do that. Why did you write it like that?
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