How do I save a separate file for each sheet in Excel? A4% E3% 83% AB% E3% 81% AB% E3% E3% 81% E3% E3% E3% E4% BF% 9D% E5% AD% 98% E3% 82% E3% 8B% E6% E6% E6% B3% 95/a>
I found .
File splitting.
計算After converting the formula into a value is sufficient.
②It's a formula link, and it's great if possible.
Thank you for your cooperation.
You can get page breaks in HPageBreak and VPageBreak.
I think we can achieve our goal by converting the sample code at the link you asked into the logic of creating a file for each page break.
In addition, this response was based on QA site.
Here are some helpful answers.
If you really want to get a new page position, why don't you use the location properties of the HPageBreak object?
HPageBreaks (a collection of HPageBreak objects)
ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks(1).Location.Row (line of first page break)
Location.Row knows the line of page break.
Below is a sample code that divides the output destination by page feed and outputs it with a file name with page feed coordinates, such as Sheet1_2_3.xlsx.
If used as it is, the reference to the formula will be lost or the coordinates will be shifted.
The behavior of the inserted object is also unconfirmed.
Therefore, please note that we cannot guarantee the contents of the output source.
If necessary, try to modify it to meet your requirements, such as creating a work sheet that holds cell values in value format.
Sub SheetSave()
Dim wb1 As Workbook
Set wb1 = ActiveWorkbook
'Repeat as many sheets as possible
Set mySheet=wb1.Works(i)
Dim r1, r2, c1, c2 As Integer
US>'Repeat the number of rows to be split into pages
r1 = 1
Forx=0 To mySheet.HPageBreaks.Count
c1 = 1
If x = mySheet.HPageBreaks.Count Then
r2 = mySheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count+1
r2 = mySheet.HPageBreaks(x+1).Location.Row
End If
US>'Repeat the number of columns to be split into pages
Fory=0 To mySheet.VPageBreaks.Count
Ify=mySheet.VPageBreaks.Count Then
c2 = mySheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count+1
c2 = mySheet.VPageBreaks(y+1).Location.Column
End If
'Save as sheet name_x_y.xlsx
DimfName As String
With Workbooks.Add
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(r1,c1), mySheet.Cells(r2-1,c2-1)).Copy Destination: =.Sheets(1).Range("A1")
End With
c1 = c2
r1 = r2
Next x
Next i
End Sub
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