I am developing an iOS app with Objective-c.
I would like to display a pop-up dialog and add text input and UI to select items from the list.
I was able to use the UIAlertController and use "addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler" to enter text, but I don't know how to add a list.
I don't care if it's a picker or a TableView list...
Can someone give me some useful information or tips?
ios objective-c xcode
I don't know if... but in this case, you create your own subclass of the UIViewController.
As you may know, the UIAlertController is also based on the UIViewController.
The point is
View Controller view The following design can be done as usual on the storyboard.All you have to do is present... the view controller you created like this as usual.
Most tasks are probably the same as creating a view controller.Only UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate and UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning will require learning.
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