Want to know how to implement best practices for accessing split tables in Spring Data JPA

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 116 views

For example, a user table with user information
user_0, user_1, user_2, user_3 (when userId is divided by 4, the remainder follows the table name)
I would like to know how to implement without having to implement multiple entities and repositories for as many tables as possible.

In the worst case scenario, I am trying to dynamically change the repository used in the service layer, but I do not want to implement multiple similar entities and repositories.

Thank you for your cooperation.

mysql spring spring-boot database jpa

2022-09-30 20:19

1 Answers

As for the approach from DB, I think there is a way to prepare a UNION VIEW if the table has the same structure.In other words, if you create a VIEW user like the following, one entity and one repository will be enough.

CREATE VIEW user as(
    select * from user_0
    select * from user_1
    select* from user_2
    select * from user_3

2022-09-30 20:19

If you have any answers or tips

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