I'd like to do some reinforcement (deep) learning with Python, but I don't know what kind of library to use.Here's what I want to do:
1. Determine the value
2. Calculation based on the value
3. The higher the result of the calculation, the higher the score
4.Learn the relationship between scores and values
1' . Determine value based on learning
2. Calculation based on the value
Last. Output the highest score value
If you have any information, please let me know even the smallest details.
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I'm going to try keras.However, I can only find examples of how to find out if it's a bad way to look at it, such as determining the value many times in one step, or if I know the best answer before Minst and it matches it.Is there any example of a program with the above flow?
If you want to learn more with Keras, you may find some code examples in Keras' own documentation for reference: https://keras.io/examples/rl/
However, reinforcement learning is only the name of the classification of learning methods, and there is no specific implementation of the name "enhancement learning."What you want to accomplish depends on what you need to implement, so look around there as well.
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