How to pass bound values from view to controller using ng-init

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 82 views

As you can see in the title, I have a question because I am struggling with how to pass bound values from view to controller using ng-init.

The assumption is that there are n items_list in one shop, and there are multiple items that are tied together.


In this situation, I'm trying to add a new item tied to the item_list from the new_item add form, but I'm worried about how to pass the id of the item_list I'm trying to add to the controller...

If you try to run it as it is, {{}} does not contain the value yet (I'm not sure if it's correct) at ng-init, so it will be passed as undefined.

Is ng-init impossible to pass the bounded value to the controller?Also, if there is any other best way, I would like to take this opportunity to let me know.Thank you for your cooperation.

  link-repeat = "item_list in shop.item_lists"
      link-repeat = "item in item_list.items"
        input type="submit" value="delete"ng-click="deleteItem(item)"

      form id="new_item"ng-submit="addItem(itemBody,itemListId)"
        input type="text" id="itemBody"ng-model="itemBody"ng-init="itemListId={{}}"
        input type="submit" value="Add ({{}}}"


angular.module('angularApp').controller "ShopController", ($scope)->

javascript angularjs

2022-09-30 20:18

1 Answers

If the shop value is not included asynchronously,


I think it will be worth it.

Before that, I think it would be better to erase ng-init and include addItem(item_list.body, and bind value directly.

2022-09-30 20:18

If you have any answers or tips

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