A good way to write a generic class definition that does not require a type parameter name

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 113 views

sealed class response<T>{
    data class success <T> (value:T): Response <T>()
    data class fail<T>(valueerrorMessage: String):Response<T>()

    value —T

    // get something and put it in the value


I made a process like this, but
About T in Response Type Parameter "T" is never used
warning appears
(In fact, T in Response is not related to the T in that child class.)

If you don't want to use the variable type parameter itself, but you want the class to be generic, is there a good way to write ?

The process itself works fine.

kotlin generics

2022-09-30 20:18

1 Answers

It's probably inconvenient as it is, and it usually defines some kind of function, so I don't think that problem will occur.

sealed class Response <out T>{

    fun<A>map(f:(T)-> A)—Response <A>{
        return when (this) {
            is Success ->Success(f(value))
            is Fail->this

    data class success <T> (value:T): Response <T>()
    data class fail (value errorMessage: String): Response <Nothing > ( )

data class User (val name: String, value: Int)

fun fetch(onResponse:(Response <User>) - > Unit) {
    value result=Response.Success(mapOf("name" to "John", "age" to "42"))

            result.map {
                User(it.getValue("name"), it.getValue("age").toInt())

However, if you really don't use it or define a function as an extension such as kotlin-either, you should use @Suppress("unused") because the type parameter is determined to be unused.


sealed class Either <out L,out R>

In addition, the Result type introduced from Kotlin 1.3 does not define the Success type and determines it as success if it is not a Failure that has no inheritance relationship with the Result.


public inline class Result <out T>@PublishedApi internal constructor(
    internal value —Any?
)—Serializable {
    // discovery

     * Returns `true` if this instance presents successful outcome.
     * In this case [isFailure] returns `false'.
    public value isSuccess: Boolean get() = value! is Failure

     * Returns `true` if this instance presents failed out.
     * In this case [isSuccess] returns `false'.
    public value isFailure: Boolean get() = value is Failure
internal class Failure(
        val exception —Throwable
    )—Serializable {
        override fun equals (other: Any?): Boolean=other is Failure&&exception==other.exception
        override fun hashCode(): Int=exception.hashCode()
        override fun to String(): String="Failure($exception)"

2022-09-30 20:18

If you have any answers or tips

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